Conference presentations

[D. Lee and P. Hider] “Knowledge organisation across aural and visual domains: connecting the facets of music and art”, 17th international ISKO conference. Knowledge Organization across Disciplines, Domains, Services, and Technologies, Aalborg, Denmark and online, 6-8 July 2022.
[P. Hider and D. Lee] “Fiction genres in library catalogues and social cataloguing sites”, 17th international ISKO conference. Knowledge Organization across Disciplines, Domains, Services, and Technologies, Aalborg, Denmark and online, 6-8 July 2022.
“Cataloguing and classification ethics, and their impact on music cataloguing”, IAML annual study weekend, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1-3 April 2022.
"Form as classification: an exploration of musical form as a knowledge organization system", NASKO 2021: Resilience, Resistance, and Reflection: Knowledge Organization at a Crossroads, Online/University of Washington i-school, 9-11 July 2021.
[with Lyn Robinson and David Bawden] "Operatic knowledge organisation: an exploration of the domain and bibliographic interface in the classification of opera’s sub-genres", 16th International ISKO Conference. Knowledge organization at the interface, Aalborg, Denmark, 6-8 July 2020. **Cancelled due to COVID-19**
"Power, truth and creativity: the ethical dimensions of the knowledge organization of art", ISKO UK Conference. The human position in an artificial world: creativity, ethics and AI in knowledge organization, London, 15-16 July 2019.
Panel member for "In an AI-supported world, where do the opportunities lie for knowledge organization?" ISKO UK Conference. The human position in an artificial world: creativity, ethics and AI in knowledge organization, London, 15-16 July 2019.
"Morsels of music, morsels of music knowledge organisation", ISKO Low Countries conference, Brussels, 20-21 June 2019.
"The classification of musical transformation: a conceptual approach to the knowledge organization of musical arrangements", Conceptions of Library and Information Science [CoLIS] 10, Ljubljana, 16-19 June 2019.
"Documenting interactivity and post-digital performance: exploring the application of data models and standards for augmented reality performance", Documenting Performance 3: PostDigital, London, 16 May 2019.
[with Katie Blackford] "The modern metadata workout: a quick (and messy) introduction to FRBR and LRM, with a dash of RDA", ARLIS Conference, London, 26-27 July 2018.
[with Lyn Robinson & David Bawden] “Global knowledge organization, “super-facets” and music: universal music classification in the digital age”, 15th International ISKO Conference, Porto, 9-11 July 2018.
"The not-so-secret lives of cataloguers: modern cataloguing in a contemporary information world", CILIP 2018 Conference, Brighton, 4-5 July 2018.
“Documenting performance in today’s data models: positioning performance within FRBR and LRM”, Documenting Performance 2: new technologies, London, 6-7 November 2017.
“Numbers, instruments and hands: the impact of faceted analytical theory on classifying music ensembles”, UDC Seminar, London, 14-15 September 2017.
“Old schemes, new perspectives: the narrative of classification scheme analysis in the 21st century”, ISKO UK Conference, London, 11-12 September 2017.
“FRBR, conceptual knowledge and Harry Potter: change and innovation in cataloguing education”, CILIP CIG Conference, Swansea, 31 August –2 September 2016.
“Conceptions of knowledge about classification schemes: a multiplane approach”, Conceptions of Library and Information Science [CoLIS] 9, Uppsala, Sweden, 27-29 June 2016.
“FRBR, conceptual knowledge and Harry Potter: radical change and innovative solutions in cataloging education”, ALISE Conference, Boston MA, 5-8 January 2016.
“RDA as a first language: teaching beginner cataloguers in RDA”, CILIP CIG Conference, Canterbury, 8–10 September 2014.
“Webs of ‘Wirkung’: modelling the interconnectedness of classification schemes”, Knowledge organization in the 21st century: between historical patterns and future prospects, 13th International ISKO Conference, Kraków, 19–22 May 2014.
“Instrumental families, horns and the odd sewing machine: the classification of musical instruments from bibliographic and organological perspectives”, IAML International Conference, Vienna, 28 July–2 August 2013.
“Transfiguring the ‘humble’ classification scheme: radical techniques for 21st-century knowledge organisation research”, i-Futures 2013, i-School postgraduate research conference, Sheffield, 25 July 2013.
“Voices, instruments and somewhere in-between: using musical medium to cross the knowledge organization/music boundary”, ISKO UK Conference, London, 8–9 July 2013.
“In the name of collaboration: introducing the UK NACO funnel”, CILIP CIG Conference, Sheffield, 10–11 September 2012.
“Faceted music: towards a model of music classification”. ISKO UK Conference, London, 4–5 July, 2011.
“Classifying musical performance: the application of faceted classification principles to concert programmes’. CILIP CIG Conference, Glasgow, 3–5 September 2008.
“Arranging an archive, arranging a library: the confluence of classification theories and the concert programme” IAML International Conference, Naples, 20–25 July 2008.
“Organizing concert life: concert programme arrangement and the historiography of musical performance”, Music in 19th-century Britain, Birmingham, 5–8 July 2007.
Invited talks, seminars and workshops
[Lee, D, N. Gold & J. Gilbert] “What constitutes music? An interdisciplinary conversational workshop exploring ontological questions in music at UCL”, London, United Kingdom, 21 June 2022. Creator and co-organiser of interdisciplinary workshop as part of UCL’s “Music futures” project, and awarded funding by UCL.
"Cataloguing and description ethics", LIASA [Library and Information Association of South Africa] IGBIS Webinar on Cataloguing Ethics and inclusivity, 9 June 2022.
“Cataloguing and classification ethics”, ARLIS webinar, 10 December 2021.
“Gaining cataloguing skills”, ARLIS: taking the plunge [a workshop about careers in art librarianship], 19 November 2021.
[Invited talk about doing a PhD in LIS and art librarianship], ARLIS UK conference, Online, 23 July 2021.
"Connecting LIS research and practice: adventures in cataloguing and art library practitioner research", Being a LIS Researcher Practitioner, CILIP LIRG Workshop, Online, 10 December 2020.
Invited participant to the Domain Analysis Clinic, "Phenomena of Music", Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure Domain Analysis Clinics, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 8-9 November 2019.
"What are the purposes of knowledge organization research?", ISKO UK meetup, London, 25 June 2019.
"The classification of music", 2018 Jack Mills Annual Lecture, Bliss Classification Association, Cambridge, 11 December 2018.
“Thinking about classification”, CILIP CIG Workshop, London, 28 June 2017.
Designed and co-lead workshop with Anastasia Kerameos, include design of practical activitis
Delivered presentations including “What is classification?”, “Introducing the classification scheme”, “Reclassification” and “Ethical issues in classification”.
“Cataloguing roles”, ARLIS Taking the Plunge Workshop, London, 20 May 2016.
“Issues and decisions in art cataloguing” [with Janet Ashton], ARLIS RDA Implementation Workshop, London, 23 April 2015.
“RDA for exhibition documentation” [co-leading practical one-day workshop with Janet Ashton], ARLIS Workshop, London, 20 August 2014.
“Implementing RDA at the Courtauld Institute of Art: the experiences of a small, specialised academic library”, CILIP RDA Executive Briefing, London, 12 June 2014.
“Thinking about classification”, Dewey for art documentation, ARLIS Workshop, London, 17 December 2013.
“The Dewey petting zoo” [practical classification activities, with Kate Kluttz, Nicky Ransom, Mary Burslem], Dewey for art documentation, ARLIS Workshop, London, 17 December 2013.
“Zonkey cataloguing: implementing RDA at the Courtauld”, ARLIS RDA implementation workshop, London, 12 April 2013.
“Outline of [RDA] issues/policy decisions to be made, especially for art libraries” [with Janet Ashton], ARLIS RDA Implementation Workshop, London, 12 April 2013.
“Art classification and its future” [devised and chaired a panel discussion], ARLIS Conference: breakout sessions, London, 28 June 2012.
“Game on: cataloguing and classification in the 21st century” [co-led a workshop with Jennie Perry], CILIP New Professionals Day, London, 11 May 2012.
“Cataloguing exhibition catalogues” [co-led a presentation and cataloguing workshops with Nicky Ransom], ARLIS Cataloguing Art Materials Workshop, London, 15 December, 2011.
“Guerrilla reclassification: battling classification issues using a small-scale and targeted approach”, CILIP CIG Reclassification Event, London, 20 September 2011.
“Introducing the quick quiz: assessing factual recall in staff training” [Nano-presentation], 1st London Librarian Teachmeet, London, 20 June 2011.
[Paper on concert programme arrangement, given as part of the seminar “Concert Programmes Project”] Music and Ideas [Royal College of Music Seminar Series], London, 31 May 2007.
“Concert Programmes Project” [co-presentation with Dr Rupert Ridgewell] Association of British Orchestras Archivists’ Study Day, London, 24 April 2007.
“Concert Programmes Project: an extended report” [co-presentation with Dr Rupert Ridgewell, given as part of the session “Project reports”] IAML Annual Study Weekend, Cirencester, 13-16 April 2007.
“Concert Programmes Project” [co-presentation with Dr Rupert Ridgewell] Association of British Orchestras Archivists’ Study Day, London, 9 November 2005.